Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Public Service announcement: Brides may cry the next day!

Ok, I want to warn everyone, I'm not always going to talk about the coffee shop.  The reason I chose the title of my blog, Under the crema, was because it was a good metaphor for life.  Under that beautiful, creamy top layer, there is a dark and robust part that will either kick you in the ass or mellow the pounding in your head.  Either way, I liked the title for my life.  Today's edition to this blog happens to be about me...So here is a glimpse of me..

One thing I can say about my life so far, is that I've made some really awesome choices, and some not so smart choices.  I guess the only reason they have been not so awesome choices is because of the shitty economy.  Anywho, one great choice I feel I slam dunked on, is my husband.  He's great.  I tell all of my female employees at work that when choosing a male suitor, pick one that will do the gross things for you.  Tim will clean up most things that will make me instantaneously barf... a match made in heaven!! (He will also kill spidery things for me..double bonus..I had to marry him!)

Well, Tim and I dated for 6 1/2 years before he decided to propose to me.. a little long, but oh well, I'm still here right?  Well part of our decision was, do we wait a year, or do we get this shin dig done right away.  As ADD as I am, we decided my attention span could handle about 2 months, so bam!  That's what we did.  I still to this day don't really know what Brides do during their year of planning.  I may not be girly enough, but I think the best ideas come to those who panic and I loved what came out of my panicking!

I have to say my wedding rocked.  My friends donated their beautiful home, we had awesome bridesmaids and groomsmen, great friends, great weather, great pastor and Indian blesser, great cheese (my most important food choice), great liquor, etc. I don't think I would have changed too much except for how quick the time flies..The one thing I wasn't expecting, was the insane barrage of tears!!

Seriously, who knew one human being could shed so much water weight in one day!  Its crazy!  I had bridesmaids telling me how ugly I looked so I wouldn't get emotional, I had to yell at my dad to not give me his dad talk, the owner of the house made my cry, Tim was crying so I continued to cry, it wouldn't stop!  Who knew!  Someone would come up to me after the ceremony, tell me I looked pretty and it was like they told me my cat died. It was nuts.

After a few hours, the dam in my tear ducts repaired itself and I got to finally enjoy a few precious hours of the wedding.  It was so much fun, but extremely exhausting, so by 11pm, I finally made it to bed.  What happened to me the next day was sooo not expected. 

When Tim and I woke up the next day and peered out of the window of my friends house, we knew we had a long day of clean up ahead of us.  The great part was, the tents were going to stay up to celebrate my friends birthday the next weekend.  Other than that, it was a big mess.  It took us all day to find the proper homes for everything we brought to their house.  Around 6:30 pm Tim and I finally made it home.  I still feel a little guilty that the moment his head hit the pillow for a nap, was the moment the dam started to break again.  Seriously, what the hell is that?  I just started bawling and couldn't for the life of me stop.  All I wanted to do, was put my gown back on and sit under the tent one more time (ok, maybe everyday for at least a week)!  I was a wreck!!

So what does a good new husband do?  He brought me back to the tent. (I wanted to wear my gown, but decided just sitting under it would be ok) When we drove up to the house, my friend was just getting out of her car from a beer run and when I told her how sad I was, she started crying with me.  Tim grabbed the beer out of her hands just in time for her to give me a hug and tell me how she cried for 3 days after she got married.  Why doesn't anyone ever tell you about the crazy emotional release after the wedding!  Come on ladies..we need to tell people about this so our husbands don't think we're marching towards the loony bin!!

Anyway, a few days later and many talks with married women, I found out how NOT nuts I was and started calming down.  So this is a public service announcement...Some women cry even AFTER their wedding.  Men..we still love you, but we're emotional creatures.  The Niagra falls had nothing on me, but I found out I wasn't nuts..So, happy nuptials to all, and a quick and painless release of the Dam!!

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